Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sneaky People

Sneaky people are those that will do something that they don't want you to know about.  They will plot behind your back and smile to your face.  They will ask you questions that you wonder why they are asking only to find out later they that they needed more ammunition.  Once they have pulled off their plot or committed some act of evil against you that they think that you don't know about, they remove themselves from whatever entity they think you can look them up in.  I have what I call acquaintances, that have unlisted their telephone numbers from the phone company.  They have removed themselves from the different social networks.  They have gone to a lot of trouble to hide from those they have offended.  When they have done this, you know that they realize they have done something hideous to you and they are not man enough to face you.  They no longer have the balls to come out into the light.  Whereas, if you are a friend of mine and I tell you something that I don't like about what you are doing to me, if you are still my friend, you will stop the act that you are committing and remain my friend, understanding the fact that I didn't like your offense.  Those are true friends.  The ones that have been caught, admit it and then go away, never to return.  Good riddance.  Even my older sibling brother has removed himself from the white pages, has no visible social media page, and thinks I cannot locate his address in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Too bad for him.  With my access to "tools" on the internet, I have already found his address and the piece of shit house he lives in in Arkansas.  Arkansas.  The poorest state in the union and why anyone would want to move to the poorest state in the union is beyond me.  For my brother thinking that he is so well educated that he has to ridicule the very people he works around in the hospital he works at, if those people are so dumb and stupid as he says they are, why stay there?  If they are so poorly educated, why not take a stand and help to promote better education there?  It's so much easier to complain about something than it is to fix something.  It's so much easier to ridicule someone than it is to help them.  I haven't met a nurse yet that doesn't think they are better than anyone else walking in an upright position.  Most of my high school classmates have become unlisted as though they think I am going to find them up one day.  Who gives a rat's ass?  Why would I ever want to reminisce such a horrible experience in my life?  Why would anyone?  By the way, I found them all anyway.  Away from them, I have become a better person, enjoyed life more, appreciated people better, and am able to decide in a short span of time whether I want to accept a person or not.  All of those people have taught me a great lesson.  They have taught me how to read a person.  Too bad that all of those people are taking such a long time to die off.  The best Karma there is, is the fact that they are all dying off at a younger age than myself and I am continuing on enjoying life.  My only hope is that I can teach the younger ones how to handle all of the maltreatment that they receive.  I certainly don't need a degree or book sense to realize when I or anyone else is being treated badly.  My advice isn't professional by any means.  It is life's experience and how mean and cruel people can be to one another.  If you want a true and loyal friend that will be by your side through thick and thin, that can read you like no other, that will love you unconditionally, get a dog.  To find a mate that will love you unconditionally, those are far and few between.  I have finally found a mate that does just that and she and I have been together for over twenty years now.  Unconditional love.  That is what really matters.  She doesn't try to change me.  I don't try to change her.  She is my best friend and my go to person.  She is my person.  That is the mate one should try to find.  Not one just because you are lonely.  Why find one that treats you badly, rather than be alone?   I have never understood that.  That only tells me that someone is lacking in self respect.  Love one's self first, then love another.  When you begin to love yourself, then you begin to find the one that you want.

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